Hero photograph
The whole gang back together
Photo by Dr S Henderson

Special shared lunch

Dr S Henderson —

On Thursday at lunchtime the International Department students and staff met together for a special shared lunch to enjoy some delicious food, congratulate the girls on their hard work during Term 3 and to make some sad farewells.

We met to say goodbye to Mrs Sue Medary who is finishing as International Director at the end of this term. Sue has worked for ten years as International Director and during that time has cared for and nurtured hundreds of International students, not only being there for them during school hours, but fielding calls and dealing with emergencies, large and small, after hours and during the weekends. Her tenure has seen the Department develop into an exemplary model of academic and pastoral excellence which has been widely recognised for the quality of its care and teaching. 

It was also lovely to see Mrs Chris Jones-Sexton, our former International Department Administrator, who has recently finished working at Columba. Both of these wonderful colleagues and friends will be sorely missed.