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Photo by Jessica Lach

Weekly Wellbeing: Post-exam Resilience

Ms J Lach —

Excellence is a mindset, not a grade.

Both our Middle and Senior schools have completed their mid-year examinations. The time between leaving the examination and receiving the result is often a time of relief - the exams have finished and we can rest for a bit. And then, the inevitable results are given back to us. This is the time we must remember resilience.

Two weeks ago, I posted an article about resilience - about how it’s not about avoiding stress or feeling fine even when you are going through something challenging. Instead, resilience is all about responding to challenges in a healthy way.

So how does resilience relate to our results? Well, suppose we get our results back and they are disappointing for us. Consider how you respond to that disappointment. Do you say to yourself:

  • “It doesn’t matter”

  • “I’ll never get a better grade”

  • “I don’t care”

  • “Everyone else did way better than me”

If so, then you are at risk of keeping yourself stuck in a mindset that makes us believe that we cannot or should not do well. This often results in us finding a way forward much more difficult.

Contrarily, do you say to yourself:

  • “I’m disappointed, but I’m going to correct the answers”

  • “I will ask how to make improvements on my responses”

  • “I can work on my understanding”

  • “I will set different study goals next time”

If so, then you are at risk of becoming more resilient, which is a good thing! Being mentally resilient means that you set positive goals for yourself and allow yourself room to grow and develop. In this way, you will be much more likely to achieve better results.

The great thing about mental resilience is that it’s a skill that we can work on and take with us throughout life. So even though this year's examination results may not be particularly important by the time you reach your second year at University, the mental resilience that you have developed while preparing for your exam WILL be important and will help you reach your personal excellence.