Hero photograph
Miss Helen Li
Photo by Kelk photography

Introducing Miss Helen Li, Head Prefect for 2022

Mrs E Harris —

At Senior Prize-giving, Helen was named as Columba's Head Prefect for 2022. We thought this was the perfect time to get to know her a little bit better. Luckily, Helen was at school today, studying in the library and was able to pop in to answer some questions.

What year did you start at Columba?

Year 9 (2018)

Why did you choose Columba?

I was looking for a school that had a reputation of striving for academic as well as personal excellence. I went on my tour of the campus and seeing the students and teachers having such good relationships impressed me. It was very engaging and it just felt right - I didn’t feel out of place. Everyone was very welcoming.

What is your best Columba memory so far?

High School musical - I played Kelsi. She’s quite similar to me - she seems shy at first but then undergoes a huge character development. Her journey is similar to mine at Columba. When I came in Y9, I didn’t really say anything but when I got to Y11 everyone was so encouraging to speak my mind - it’s been a real personal journey.

What were your thoughts when Mrs Duthie offered you the Head Prefect role?

It was a big honour and a lot of recognition of all the work I’ve done, not just at school but for myself too. It was a real validation for me - and then the weight of responsibility hit! It took me a couple of days for it to sink in.

How have your parents responded to the news?

They had to watch on the live stream so they were extremely shocked as they watched! My mum cried - she is so proud of me. Dad heard mum screaming at the TV and rushed in to see what was going on.

What life experience do you believe prepares you for the Head Prefect role?

I started Girl Guides in primary school and it forced me to do a lot of different sorts of things. The process of working towards of a long-term goal taught me time-management and focus. I achieved the Queen’s Guide award in 2020. At the beginning of 2021, I started my role as a council member on the Dunedin Youth Council. I helped to organise the Auaha Rangatahi Arts Festival in the October school holidays. From this project I learned to improve my communication and organisational skills. I also used to do a lot of piano competitions and through this I learned to deal with pressure.

What are your passions beyond school?

Music - piano but also singing. I’ve never taken professional singing lessons but it’s something I love doing. I also love to give back to the community so whenever I have time, I like to volunteer. I love to feel I am doing something good for the world. My volunteer work at Yvette Williams brightens up their day but I also feel I learn so much from them and their life experiences.

What are your personal and academic goals for 2022?

Personal - To grow more confident in myself and to thrive in the position of Head Prefect.

Academic - A good tertiary scholarship at University of Canterbury so I can study engineering. I’m also hoping to do scholarship History and Physics and get a Level 3 Excellence endorsement.

If you could be an animal, what would it be and why?

A goldfish. They seem so carefree and because they have no long-term memory, they forget all their worries. They don’t have to do anything and they have someone to take care of them their whole lives!

Next week, Mrs Harris will profile our two Deputy Head Prefects for 2022.