Miss D Turnbull — Sep 8, 2019

It wasn't the first time these two stars have medalled nationally in their chosen code. Year 13 pupils Kelly Hoyt and Joelle Gatenby have again brought home shiny neckwear at the recent NZSS Weight-lifting Championships.

On the 30th August, two Year 13 students traveled to Upper Hutt to represent Columba College at Secondary School Nationals in the weekend.

Joelle Gatenby won a silver medal in the under 55kg category with a 33kg snatch and a 43kg clean and jerk. Kelly Hoyt won a bronze medal in the under 59kg category with a 41kg snatch and a 50kg clean and jerk. Columba placed third overall in the schools competition. 

This was a very successful weekend filled with laughter and great memories.