Hero photograph
Photo by Dawn Hope

Amazing Race

Miss Y Zhu —

On March 25th, Study Dunedin invited us to join the Amazing Race held in Logan Park. It was an excellent opportunity to meet and make friends with the international students from other schools. At the same time, we could also learn how essential teamwork is when dealing with problems. But the most important thing is we could get some exercise and relax after a busy day of studying.

During this race, we learned how important it is to work as a team. At the start, we were divided into different groups and worked together. We had seven different activities in the race. In the first task, we had to combine some pipes and make sure the marble could pass through those pipes - the further, the better. 

The second activity was a bike race. Each team member needed to grab a bike and ride inside the circle made by coaches. The circle was made smaller and smaller, and the last people who stayed within the smallest circles won. In our team, we had three winners, which was brilliant! 

The next event required us to complete six different tasks in order to get letters that would make up a word. We had to do things like dance for 20 seconds and do 20 press-ups to get letters. It was great fun and we worked together to finish in the shortest amount of time. 

The fourth task, the 'river cross', showed us how vital teamwork is. We could choose five things to help us cross the 'river'. The coaches drew two lines on the ground, and the area between these two lines was the river. While crossing the river, our feet could not touch the ground, otherwise, we had to go back to the beginning and start again. It is worth mentioning that our team, which was team three, was the fastest team ever - the coaches were so surprised! 

The fifth task required all teams to push a car from the start to the end of the runway. At first, we didn't have the confidence to do it as it was a massive car, but we surprised ourselves by completing this task easily. The second last task was called the 'spider web’, made up of us randomly linking our hands. We had to untie ourselves as fast as we could and end up in a circle. Fortunately, we were the quickest team again! We felt so pleased and realised how good the tacit understanding of our team members is. 

In the last task, some team members wore blindfolds and passed the obstacles along a track while following the instructions of other members who had their eyes open. This task allowed the members to increase the trust between each other, which was terrific! Our team won this race and we were presented with lovely Dunedin hats, but friendship is the first and the most important and the second is the competition.

The amazing race also provided the fantastic opportunity to meet other international students from other schools like St. Hilda's, OGHS, OBHS, and Bayfield High School. After the race, we had a nice BBQ and some yummy ice-cream for a treat and then played some games.

Overall, the experience in the amazing race was memorable, and we had a lot of fun. Thanks to Study Dunedin for providing this excellent opportunity to let us join in. We learnt how important and essential teamwork was and made some new friends.