Miss B Horne — May 26, 2022

Brianna Horne

Columba has had an amazing year of sport. We have excelled, not only at an Otago and South Island level, but also Nationally and Internationally. Along with the impressive sporting achievements, we have also had our local school sporting events which include Swimming Sports, Athletics Day and Cross Country. As Sports Prefect, I have helped to make these days successful and it has been an absolute pleasure to be a part of both the competitive and social aspects.

Being Sports Prefect also meant that I was part of the Sports Council. That I was able to bring forward and support new ideas and initiatives for Columba, through the council, was something that I'd never experienced before. It was another side of the role that I hadn't anticipated, and was such a privilege to be a part of.

I have also had the opportunity to connect and share with other sports' leaders around Dunedin. I have learnt what it means and takes to be a sports leader and have applied that to what sport and activity looks like at Columba.

My time as Sports Prefect has been extremely rewarding. I have loved watching and helping the upcoming talent that is developing at Columba, encouraging them to prepare, train and perform the best that they can, and pushing girls to achieve their absolute best, both on and off the sports field. 

I am so grateful to have gained the knowledge and skills that I have, through being Sports Prefect. Thank you Columba for giving me this opportunity. And thank you to the girls for being so inspiring, I look forward to watching you develop in the future.