Dr J Macleod — Sep 24, 2021

Yesterday was the Spring Equinox. There are a lot of great things about spring: the mornings and evenings get lighter, it gets warmer, flowers bloom. There are also some things that are a bit messy: the weather can be changeable and the rain makes the ground muddy. There is a lot to be grateful for, and a few things can be frustrating.

Maybe you feel this way in another context at the moment. Being nearly at the end of term; or nearly at the end of Year 13. We certainly have a lot to be grateful for in being at Level 2. More businesses can operate, we can have classes in person, and we can socialise and do activities together. But there might still be some frustrations. I certainly prefer to talk to you in person. When I’m recording Chapel, all I get to see is this.

There are seasons in life that feel ‘in-between-ish.’ The people of Israel were in exile for 70 years – separated from their homeland and their usual way of life. The prophet Isaiah brought a message of hope to them, with the heads-up that when God brought change, it was going to happen quickly (Isaiah 60:1-5, 22).

Now, I am not making any predictions about Covid alert levels but the message to the Israelites was a reminder that change was coming and they needed to be prepared. To be ready for the next season, we need to complete the tasks of this one. It’s not pointless; it’s not hopeless. We need to be prepared for what’s next.

God did bring the Israelites back to their homeland, quite miraculously. Even more, he fulfilled the words of Isaiah and gave them Jesus.