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Can you help?

Mrs G Beardmore —

The Sports Council at Columba College has their annual Golf Day fundraiser coming up on Friday 10th September 2021 (St Clair Golf Course). This event is a very important fundraiser for the school, and we need your help to make it as successful as possible.

You can offer your help and contribute to the success of our important fundraiser by:

  • Entering a team of four into the fun day of golf and socialisation on the greens.

  • Donating any prizes for the teams on the day.
  • Offering an item that could be auctioned off on the day of competition.

If you are unable to play but would like to contribute by donating some prizes or auction items then please get in contact with us. We would love to hear from you!

The Sports Council works extremely hard to support initiatives which benefit all students at our school. Any support you can offer would be greatly appreciated. Please read the letter attached regarding our Sports Council and what we do for Columba College.

Please get in contact with Gretchen Beardmore for answers to your questions or to engage with this project.

Email: gbeardmore@columbacollege.school.nz 

Phone: 03-467 5188 (ext: 877)