Miss P Hopcroft — Jun 14, 2021

The Intercollegiate Trap shooting competition was held on the 13th June at the Dunedin Clay Target Club in Wardronville.

Trapshooting captain Alexandra Cockerill competed at the recent Intercollegiate Trap Shooting competition and came away with some fantastic results!

In her first round, she shot 13/20 in down the line, in point score she shot a 45/60, and for her single barrel, she shot a 7/10. There were 85 competitors and although there was stiff competition when it came to the girls (25 competing), Alex competed strongly and placed an outstanding 9th place. This is a great effort, especially considering the weather was awful with a downpour of rain throughout the entire day.

We are extremely proud of Alex and it's great to see girls moving and doing well in a male-dominated sport! The next trap shooting event will be held on Sunday 4th July at Nightcaps and we wish her all the very best.

Congratulations, Alex!