Hero photograph
Columba College Young Enterprise team
Photo by Mrs S Bishop

Young Enterprise Presentations 2021

Mrs S Bishop —

After a year of many challenges the Columba College Young Enterprise team earned a place in the Otago semi finals.

This year they produced dog treats as they recognised that people love to treat their dogs and that there is a lucrative industry out there.

They initially wanted a treat with A2 milk in it; however, that proved to be a difficult path. After intense research into possible recipes, consultation with top vets and surveys of dog owners, the team had a recipe. Then came Covid.

The team, led by Charlotte Barker, persevered. They told their story on their packaging: a story of making a product of Otago. Their annual report was great and a credit to the girls involved.

With little time to prepare (exams!!) they had an enjoyable time at the semi finals, though won no silverware this year. It is a credit to the Columba teams that they compete so well. Most schools now do Young Enterprise in class time in Business Studies while our girls do it in their own time.