Hero photograph
Delicious smoothie
Photo by Jessica Lach

Smoothies a Wellbeing Winner

Ms J Lach —

Year 9s put their nutrition nous to the test in Hauora last week as students endeavoured to create the most nutritious and most delicious smoothie.

In the Hauora unit class we have been recently learning about how nutrition plays a vital role in our physical, mental, spiritual and social wellbeing. In an effort to apply our knowledge of healthy foods, the class worked in teams to make a balanced meal in the form of a smoothie and then place their creation in front of two teacher judges. Mr Hayden and Mrs Renner worked together to determine which creation was not only healthy, but also tasty. Groups had to consider aspects such as vitamins and minerals present in their chosen ingredients, and they were required to include both fruits and vegetables as well as a form of protein and complex carbohydrate.

In the end, it was a tough decision but it was the Tropicana Delight that won the judges' hearts and stomachs with its high levels of nutrition, excellent consistency and fabulous flavour.