Social Studies
Our Social Studies programmes in 2019 have enjoyed a diverse range of topics.
We have been fortunate to have our Middle school teaching programmes anchored by Mrs Wafer, Ms Hope, Mrs Murdoch and Mrs Bowden. Our teaching spaces have often led to collaborative learning opportunities as well as opportunities to partake in authentic learning opportunities outside of the classroom.
Year 7 and Year 8 have looked across global, national and local scales within their teaching programme. The students have enjoyed learning about different cultures and traditions, as well as staying closer to home and looking at the migration of groups both in New Zealand and around the world. We have enjoyed the opportunities to visit Toitu and Otago Museum and partake in their Educational programmes. Our Year 8 classes, exhibited their excellent work investigating aspects of Egyptian life and the Year 7’s enjoyed a lunch at Zaika Indian Restaurant. We also enjoyed the opportunity to incorporate current events into our programme. Each of our classes carried out the weekly current events Kahoot as well as some students choosing to participate in the ODT Extra Social Studies Quiz.
Year 9 and 10 classes have been asked to think about more complex issues that affect us as 21st Century citizens. Year 10 has been anchored around Human Rights themes looking at how past events shape and change societies. We have crossed scales to investigate historic events in South Africa and the United Kingdom as well as looking at the Treaty of Waitangi nationally. We have also looked at the key theme of sustainability and our use of environments. Year 9 has investigated change in societies as a result of immigration, changing political systems, evolving physical geography and New Zealand’s political structure and voting systems. We have enjoyed frequent collaborative learning opportunities thanks to the upgraded space in the Frances Ross common room.
HOD Geography and Social Studies