Ms T Andrew — Nov 3, 2022

Last Friday evening, two of our wahine akonga received their special ‘Mana Pounamu’ awards along with all other selected Mãori Rangatahi recipients from ŌTEPOTI and Otago High schools and Kura.

Lula Joseph (Teina-junior) award is in y9, and Lucy Cowie (Tuakana-senior) is our y13 Tikaka Mãori prefect.

It was a beautiful and very special celebration to attend to celebrate and honour our two precious recipients this year in person. Columba college is very proud of Lucy and Lulu; they have achieved a special honour and we know they will inspire others with their passion, and engagement with Mãori Te reo and kitanga.

Lula Joseph is an excellent, academic ãkonga and a most talented sports wahine. This year, Lula also won second place in the prestigious ‘Ngã Manu Kōrero’ speech competition.  Lula excels in rugby, rubgy 7, touch, netball and volleyball.

Lucy Cowie is Columba's first Tikaka prefect and has shown hersef to be a strong, caring and generous senior leader. Lucy, along with Matua Price, has started a growing ‘Kapa Haka’ group which has so far performed at the Arts Soiree and Senior School prize-giving. Lucy has an outstanding work ethic and has achieved NCEA Levels 1, 2 and 3 with Excellence endorsement. We wish Lucy all the best for her studies at Otago University next year.

Both Lucy and Lula embody manaakitanga and humility at Columba College and we are all proud of you both. Congratulations and ka pai!