Miss G Bird - Managing Director — Jul 29, 2020

Columba College’s Young Enterprise group for 2020 recently took part in the Otago Pitch Day, competing with schools from all around Otago Southland.

We had to present a Dragon’s Den-style pitch to judges outlining our innovation, ideas, production and finances for our product Oata Mylk. The judges had to decide winners for the categories of Idea, Customer, Finance, Production, Innovation and Pitch. Dove Ambition were lucky enough to be picked out of the 30 teams as the winners of the Pitch category - a great result!

On open day, our team had a stall promoting Oata Mylk and the Young Enterprise Scheme to the families coming through. We handed out cookies, coffee and hot chocolate - all using Oata Mylk. The response to our product was amazing and we are very grateful for all of the support from the Columba Community!

Dove Ambition, this year's Young Enterprise Scheme group, would like to invite you to the launch of their product Oata Mylk, a dairy-free milk alternative that is good for your tummy and the environment! Please see the attached invitation.