Ms J Lach — May 18, 2022

Our mission is to advocate and promote the hauora (wellbeing) of the Columba student body.

This year, the Student Wellbeing Committee worked on an inquiry around the kinds of issues faced by different year groups at Columba. We shared that information with staff in order to communicate the needs of students in an effective way.

Millie George, the Wellbeing Prefect, also posted messages in the weekly newsletter. These highlighted particular pressure points during the year, as well as offering some helpful suggestions and insights as to how to manage those pressures.

We also ensured that students had access to free sanitary products, as part of the government initiative that began at the start of the year.

During Mental Health Awareness Week, we canvassed the student body to learn what we do in order to look after our spiritual, mental, social, and physical hauora. Our findings, along with other themes, were displayed in Girton, facilitating kōrero around how we look after ourselves and our friends.

Lastly, we hosted a socially distanced, outdoor picnic on the birdbath lawn, at the end of Term Three. It was a fabulous picnic where students put down their devices and enjoyed sunshine and good conversation.

Next year, the Student Wellbeing Committee will continue to raise awareness around hauora. We aim to find new ideas and ways to incorporate hauora more regularly into our daily activities.