Hero photograph
Eleanor Dunn, Victoria Williamson, Mrs West, Eleanor Blacker and Liv Preston

Mrs West Retires Today

Ms Riethmaier —

Mrs West joined the staff of Columba College in Term 3, 1997, as our first ever Assistant Principal, having moved from St Peter’s High School in Gore, where she was Head of the Science Department. It is interesting to read the introductory article about her published in the 1997 “Chronicle”, as she has spent the past twenty-two years modelling the values she held dear even then, so much so that we have attached that article below.

Christina West is one of those teachers, whom students will remember for a long time to come. She had already had this effect at her previous schools and rarely does a visit to town go by without an encounter with a former pupil, who, after an initial catch-up, thanks her for making Science “make sense” and comments that he or she can still recite the Periodic Table. As we entered Mrs West’s final week (the “Four more Sleeps” phase) at Columba, there has been an outpouring of appreciation by our students for all that she has meant to them. Those students lucky enough to have been taught by her, know how passionate she is about sharing her love of all things biological with them, with clear explanations followed by notes and diagrams on the board and the weekly quiz to check that all have learnt and understood the week’s work. No power points or kahoots in her classes, just good old fashioned teaching interspersed with practical advice for leading a happy, fulfilled life and anecdotes from her vast personal repertoire of experiences and pleas for help with her “text machine”. Many more students have encountered her in the detention room or at the end of make-up wipes and nail polish remover, and quickly realised that underneath her “scary” exterior beats a heart of gold and a genuine wish to send all Columba students into the wider world with an appreciation of what is important in life – a willingness to work hard, and the ability to forge positive relationships with others and to laugh, remembering that “none of us will get out of life alive.”

Mrs West’s energy will be remembered by us all, students and staff alike, for years to come. Her efficiency in organising exams, reports, collating prize-giving, overseeing attendance, running up and down the sideline of football matches shouting encouragement to the team, lending a helping hand in the most menial of tasks, is legendary. But most of all, we thank her for being the most caring and kind teacher and colleague we all could ever ask for. We thank her for all she has done for Columba. As a boarding student said in one of the many farewell speeches: “Mrs West, you have been a rock for this school through all of its ups and downs and it’s a shame that we have to lose you, but we understand there are bigger and better things for you to move on to, like looking after those gorgeous grandchildren of yours…” 

 We farewell her with every good wish for the long and happy retirement that she deserves.