Hero photograph
Photo by Patricia Hopcroft

Columba shines at Diving NZ National Skills Testing Event

Miss P Hopcroft —

Columba students gained superb results after competing this past weekend at the DNZ National skills testing event.

Running just three weeks after the South Island Diving Champs held locally at Moana Pool, in which Columba junior through to senior students competed, this past weekend our local diving club Diving Otakou hosted the Diving New Zealand National Skills Testing event.

Teams from North Harbour, Waitakere and Waikato travelled to compete with our local team Diving Otakou, whilst the Wellington team competed virtually due to the recent covid scare there. The event was broadcast live online for all families and fans to watch.

It was a chance for our local team of divers at levels 1, 2 and 3, and Group C and D to pitch their skills against each other, and for spectators to see some great divers from around New Zealand.

Three Columba students competed. Georgia Houghton, Elizabeth Dearden and Pippa Trotman.

Pippa competed at Skills Level 1, 1m, 3m and Poolside, and was placed 5th, 4th and 3rd respectively. Achieving a 4th placing overall. Pippa also received two silver and one bronze ribbon for points awarded for diving skills.

Georgia competed at Skills Level 2, 1m, 3m and 5m, and was placed 1st, 4th and 1st respectively. Achieving a 1st placing overall. Georgia also received one gold and two silver ribbons for points awarded for diving skills.

Elizabeth, having recently advanced to the more challenging Group C put in an outstanding effort. She did not place this time, but watch this space!

The next events with Columba College participants are the DNZ National Championships – 9-11th July, and the DNZ Secondary Schools Championships – 15-16 October – both held in Auckland.

If you are interested in diving you are welcome to come and try it out. Diving is a fun, exciting sport that develops strength, agility, coordination, mental determination, deep water confidence and is a supportive team environment. Just email divingotakou@gmail.com