High School Musical

Lee Williams —

At the start of 2020, we looked forward with anticipation to High School Musical, a high impact, high energy production. Auditions had taken place, the cast was set and rehearsals were in full swing.

But then COVID entered the shores of Aotearoa, and its presence cast doubt on whether the show would be able to make it onstage. Sadly, we had to make the tough decision to postpone the show until 2021.

Ever hopeful, we re-cast the show in April 2021 and began rehearsals. Led by, the very talented, Mrs Denise Henderson, it soon became very apparent that this show would be one of the best high school productions around. Over 100 hours of work were put in by the 40 strong cast and crew, during Terms 2 and 3.

Finally, show week arrived and everyone was excited to be in the Mayfair Theatre. We spent three days in preparation; running through the show and perfecting lines, dances and scene changes. The set was constructed and the lighting and sound were programmed. The last seat had been sold. We were about to start our last dress rehearsal before going live onstage the very next night, when rumours of COVID filled the theatre.

Then the country plunged into Level 4 lockdown. It was a particularly cruel twist of fate, that we had been robbed of our chance to perform yet again. The bitter realization that the show would, again, not proceed as planned, really hit home over lockdown. Many tears were shed and soon we were isolated from each other with no certainty of what was to come.

Weeks passed and new dates were set. The show was ready for the third time. With nervous anticipation we filed back into the Mayfair, reset ourselves and prepared to perform under the constraints of level 3 restrictions, our new ‘normal’. We made it, at last! For three nights, we ran to capacity crowds, and though numbers had to be reduced, we thoroughly enjoyed our time on the stage.

A huge thank you to the team that made High School Musical happen. We will never forget the magical experience that it was.