Hero photograph
Year 10 Global Citizenship class show off their beeswax wraps
Photo by Lauren Piebenga

Year 10 Global Citizenship

Mrs L Piebenga —

Our class has been looking at ways in which we can become more sustainable in our daily lives. In response to this, we have made our own Beeswax food-wraps.

In the Year 10 Global Citizenship class we have been looking at a number of global issues where small actions are required of everyone to create change. Part of our current investigation is looking at reducing day-to-day waste and in particular plastic waste.

In response to this issue of waste our class made re-usable beeswax food wraps in class. Each student brought along a piece of cotton fabric of their choice. The rest of the kit was kindly funded by Columba’s Parent’s Association. 

The girls grated the blocks of beeswax onto their fabric. Squares of baking paper were cut out and laid under and over the fabric. Then the girls pressed a warm iron over the top. The wax melted over the fabric and quickly spread creating a natural protective covering. The next step was flapping the wraps in the air to allow them to dry. The girls had a lot of fun making them and what a colourful display they made at the end of the lesson. The wraps were taken home by the girls to use.