Hero photograph
Sports Day

Sports Day by Jesse McIlroy, Year 3

Mrs Hogg —

At the seats there was a booming loud noise, especially the speaker. The big kids had their races first. One big kid was unbeatable. She had an extremely bright, yellow headband.

In my race I was waiting for the gun to bang. My heart was beating fast. Suddenly, the race started. I felt like I was in the Olympics. I got second place in two races and third in one.

I had a big milky way lolly. I was very tired. Every race I was in I said something to myself. I said “Run your hardest, make your family proud”.

I ran until my engine was out of energy.

Then the whole house was racing together. I was the youngest in the whole group. I beat most of the big kids. I felt good!

Jesse McIlroy, Year 3