Hero photograph
Synchronised flipping
Photo by Christie Sinclair


Mrs C Sinclair —

Year 11 Physical Education students were out at Leap recently. They spent the afternoon leaping, flipping, doing handsprings and challenging each other to a game of dodgeball.

Each of the Year 11 Physical Education classes visited Leap a couple of weeks ago.  This was part of an internal assessment looking into societal influences on physical activity. After receiving general safety precautions, everyone got out onto the trampolines. There were furious games of dodgeball and, with the added dimension of the trampolines, there was a great deal of power behind the throws! 

Once out on the main area of Leap, Molly Ballard and Millie Scott demonstrated their gymnastic flair by linking together flips, twists, handsprings - all of this forwards and backwards!  Molly then assisted a number of students with learning how to do a back flip/layout.  Madi Lobb, Hannah Cormack and Faith Courtney showed particular flair.  

Meanwhile on the racetrack, Bella Templeton, Summer Wedderburn and Holly McRae demonstrated contrasting ways to achieve maximum distance after take off.  Summer took the more graceful approach and Bella and Holly the gymnastic approach.

Maximum fun was had by all and I am sure they could have spent all afternoon there!