Hero photograph
Advent Candles

The Light of the World

Dr Macleod —

Rev. Ed Masters gave us a warm welcome as we gathered for our annual Carol Service at First Church on Sunday evening.

Through a series of readings and carols, we reflected on Jesus as God's gift of light to humanity. Most of us have had experiences of being afraid of the dark - we can't see, we can feel uncertain or alone, and things just seem harder. God sent Jesus to be light light: to help us, to show us the way to live, and to remind us that we are not alone. As we light candles or see Christmas lights, we are reminded of God's light for humanity.

During the service, various students did an excellent job of bringing us readings and the Junior Madrigal Choir, led by Mrs Anna Leese, sang beautifully.

Thank you to all who donated items for the foodbank. These were gratefully received by Presbyterian Support.