ICAS English Results

Mrs C Cheyne —

The ICAS English results have finally arrived, after a somewhat disrupted year.

Although this competition is usually run in July/August, the girls succeeded in completing only the English paper  ... the day before lockdown in August. However, the Writing was rescheduled until week 1 of this term and the Spelling (and Science tests) are yet to be done. Hopefully, the results will come from Australia before we finish for the year!

Some Year 7 and 8 girls attempted the English paper with pleasing results:

High Distinction (top 1% of NZ) - Beth Elder (Year 7)

Distinction (next 10% of NZ) - Bethan Mundy, Scarlett Wilson and Jessica Flowers (all Year 8)

Credit  (next 25%) - Elizabeth Dearden (Year 8), Chloé Chagnon and Esmé Walker (Year 7)

Merit (next 10%) - Luciana Brown (Year 8)

Congratulations to you all!