Hero photograph
Photo by Caroline Rowe

Poet Molly Crighton 'one to watch'

English Department —

Year 12 student Molly Crighton has won the senior section of the 2017 WriteNow Poetry Competition for Dunedin secondary school students.

Judge Lynley Edmeades had this to say about Molly's poem:

"This is a beautiful lyric poem, which I was immediately struck by for both its treatment of subject matter and attention to craft, particular its sound and rhythm. It turns a daily traffic jam into something very visceral. I see that Molly has been placed several times before in this competition, and I have no doubt that, with a lyric acuity like this, she will be one to watch in the coming years."


We travel parallel to a queue of cars –
That sting-bright shine of a string of pearls
Around anonymity’s urban neck.
Waiting tastes like suet
And rush hour a fatty feast
For clogged one-ways
And no-exits like the fence at a football game.
In between each bracket of streetlight the stars open and close
As though they are some bioluminescent tropical flower
Releasing headlight spores
To scatter white hot and sting-bright
On the bone-stark road below.

By Molly Crighton