Miss D Turnbull — Nov 1, 2022

Last week Columba College was honoured to hold its annual Sports awards evening. Back in our Marsh Sports Centre, this year it was a night to be remembered, celebrating the success of sport at our school.

We had a fabulous night celebrating the achievements of our incredible students with our Columba Community. It is a proud moment that we can look back on what an amazing year of sports we have had. It has been an absolute privilege to witness so many students reaping the rewards of sport physically, mentally, and socially as they represent Columba, their province, and even our country.

Congratulations to all the students who crossed the stage in recognition of their success. We realise this has been a result of countless trainings, hours of commitment, and the desire to excel in the sport you love. It is an honour to be acknowledged by your coach, peers, and our school, so be proud of your achievements and continue to strive for excellence.

This year we have spoken a lot about Comfort Zones here at Columba College. Our Principal Mrs. Duthie shared a quote with our students that read “Comfort Zones are beautiful places, but nothing ever grows there”. Our Sports Department believes this to be very true. We feel as though life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

Comfort is the friend of Mediocrity and the Enemy of Greatness. Distance yourself from Mediocrity. Greatness is choosing to do the little things every single day: chores, school work, using manners, and showing respect for elders, teachers, coaches, and family. So choose to be great! Stay uncomfortable.

We were extremely privileged to have Courtney Duncan as our 2022 Columba College Guest Speaker – She is a 3x World Champion Women’s Motocross Racer, winning her first of her three titles claim victory in nine out of the ten races. Hailing from the Otago region, and growing up in rural Palmerston - she attended East Otago High School and has been riding a bike since she was just seven years old. After many tough years of injuries and setbacks, 2019 was the turning point for her career when she joined the Bike-it MTX Kawasaki (Dixon Racing) team. Courtney was a relatable, inspirational, and quirky presenter and it was amazing to have her as part of our evening. 

A note to our class of the 2022 Year 13 students. It has been an honour to witness you evolve into the talented, well-rounded sportswomen you are. 

Miss Turnbull was so grateful for all the opportunities she was given through sports and wanted to pass on a few reminders to our leavers as they enter this next journey.

1) You are stronger than you think. Even though you might doubt it, you will get through hard, good and everyday moments with grace, wisdom and courage.

2) Your voice matters. Don’t silence it out of fear or worry, but know that you are worthy of being heard. Speak up.

3) Dare to dream big. Not just safe, but big. There is no risk besides the risk of not trying.

4) You’re going to make mistakes. Forgive yourself and let stuff go. The past is the past. Don’t let it define your tomorrow. You have now.

5) Change takes work. But life is short. Don’t spend it wishing things were different. Make it different. Live boldly.

And remember - it's only after you’ve stepped out of your comfort zone that you begin to grow. Miss Turnbull challenged all of us to step so far out of ourcomfort that we forget how to get back.

Here at Columba College, we are incredibly lucky to have a supportive Sports Council. Although their work is predominantly done behind the scenes, the impact of their dedication, passion, and energy is evident and we are truly grateful.

To parents, coaches, supporters, teachers-in-charge, and management - without you, none of this is possible. It is recognsed that a lot of the drive, perseverance, and determination come from outside the school gates, and that is credited to you as mentors.

Check out the attached photographs of some our prestigious prize winners on the night. All Sports Awards photos are live on the website and available for free download via this link.

Congratulations to all our prize winners; we look forward to another successful year of Columba College Sport in 2023.