Agribusiness: Level 2

Administration —

Columba College is a Centre of Excellence in Agricultural Science and Business

Agribusiness is a course of study that integrates primary industries and business beyond the farm gate, encompassing a group of sectors (agriculture, aquaculture, dairy manufacturing, equine, forestry, horticulture, seafood, and sports turf) that form the basis of modern food production.

Agribusiness Level 2 is the introductory course for our Centre of Excellence in Agribusiness programme. The course engages and exposes tertiary capable students to the wide range of opportunities, skills, and career pathways available across the Agribusiness sector.

Short local field trips will be a focus of the course, but there is likely to be a day trip. There will be speakers and some exciting outside opportunities over the course of the year.

Contributions to the cost of field trips may be added to students' accounts.


L1 Economics is recommended for this course, as is Level 1 Science

Level 2 Agribusiness Assessment 2024