Hero photograph
Belle et Sébastien: The last chapter.

The fantastique French film festival!

Miss Gardiner —

Students learning French at Columba have all enjoyed the Belle et Sébastian trilogy and recently were able to see how it all ends in the final film Belle et Sébastian: Le dernier chapitre!

The heroic story of a young French boy and his dog getting in and out of mischief has long captured the hearts of viewers. Year 10 to 13 students learning French went to a special screening of the film in week 8 of term 1 along with Kings and Queens' high students. 

The host of the French film festival, Rialto Cinema allowed us to have a special screening of the film. This internationally acclaimed franchise has been enjoyed by many since the first film's release in 2013, followed by the second in 2015 and the final film in 2017. 

It follows the story of a young orphaned boy in his adventures during and after Occupied France, accompanied by his faithful Pyrenean Mountain dog, Belle. The location of the film really makes it remarkable. Set in the Rhone Alps region, each film is breathtakingly beautiful. It's PG rated, making it excellent for families to watch and a wonderful introduction into foreign films.