Mrs Parks — Dec 9, 2019

2019 has flown past. It seemed not that long ago that the year was just beginning and now we are wrapping it up and bringing another year of hostel living to a close.

At the beginning of the year the boarding house underwent a number of changes in terms of staffing arrangements and the general structure of day to day routine, all in preparation for the New Hostel. This included the welcoming of Residential Assistants including some from Germany and Australia.

Attending the New Zealand Boarding Schools Association Conference that was held in Palmerston North earlier in the year gave us some new ideas for the hostel.

With the arrival of new borders, getting them settled in was a main priority and the best way to do this was to keep them busy. We did a number of events such as a hostel ‘Amazing Race’ around Dunedin. Later in the year we had numerous swap dinners with our neighbouring boarding schools - St Hilda’s Collegiate School, Otago Boys’ High School and John McGlashan College. We also had hostel socials with St Hilda’s and Otago Boys’. Year 11, 12 and 13 formals were also another event that marked a big period on the calendar, all of which the girls thoroughly enjoyed.

This year the hostel attended Harry’s Hoot which was run by St Hilda's hostel as a fundraising opportunity for a little boy, Harry Finch, who suffers from Cerebral Palsy. Harry was undergoing surgery and physical therapy to hopefully achieve his ultimate goal of becoming an All Black! We were lucky enough to take part in this with the four other hostels and were able to do our own part by running a mufti day which raised over $1000 for Harry, which was outstanding.

We had our Otago Boys’ and Columba hostels netball match for the third year in a row, in an attempt to claim the Garfield Cup. After both a junior and senior game we were delighted to come away with both wins and the Cup.

With the year coming to a close, for the last time for the Year 13 girls, the focus is now on end of year exams. Leavers’ dinner is also a big focus as a celebration of the Year 13 girls. To say the least, it has been a busy and jam-packed year but an enjoyable one. The journey is almost coming to an end and while emotions are high for those leaving, we are all ready to take on the next adventures that await us. It has been a journey filled with highs and lows, but we wouldn’t change it for the world. The Columba boarding experience will always be a part of our lives, the lifelong friends we’ve made, the experiences we have had and the lessons we have learned we will always be grateful for.

Ashlee Turner and Abby Griffin

Head and Deputy Head of House