Drama: Level 3

Administration —

Course Outline

This course builds on skills gained in NCEA Level 2 drama. It requires work in-and-out of class time and further develops students' skills in devising, improvisation, theatre technology, acting, responding and reflecting on theatre practice, effective communication and group responsibility. Drama has strong links with English, History, Music, Dance and Classics.

Drama is an excellent 'companion' course for industries that involve people e.g. law, education, politics, health, hospitality, sports, media, business, tourism, management. Careers such as;: stage manager, medicine,TV/Radio commentator/reporter/presenter, playwright, set/lighting/costume designer or technician, actor, director, editor, camerapersonman, critic/reviewer. Drama increases employability by developing key competencies such as managing self, relating to others, participating and contributing in a practical environment.

Students will:

  • Explore the elements of drama: role, time, space, action, tension, focus

  • Investigate drama techniques: voice, movement, body and use of space

  • Use the conventions of drama to devise and structure a performance

  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of a drama/theatre form

  • Reflect on drama processes, performance experiences and viewing live performances


Level 2 Drama or with approval from the TiC Drama.

Drama is also supported by extracurricular opportunities:

  • The University of Otago and the SGCNZ Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival

  • Theatre New Zealand Theatrefest 

  • The Globe Theatre

  • The Playhouse Theatre

  • Fringe Festival 

  • Improsaurus Dunedin 

Scholarship Drama is encouraged for students who are interested.