Hero photograph
Year 7 watching their films
Photo by Melissa Van der Haegen

2022 Columba College Year 7 Film Festival

Miss Melissa Van der Haegen and Miss Grace Johnston —

On Tuesday our Year 7 cohort celebrated their fantastic advertisement films with our inaugural 2022 Columba College Year 7 Film Festival. The vibrant and high energy event reflected the excellence and hard work put in by the students for their English class as part of their learning about advertisements.

Before their films were ‘premiered,’ each group was invited to tell the audience one thing they enjoyed and one thing they learned from the experience. Some common answers described how they enjoyed acting, filming and editing the films, while also learning how to work well together in a group and how long it can take to film and edit even a one-minute-long video.

Our 2022 prizewinners were:

3rd place: Nature.co

2nd place: SPCA

1st place: Choco Wheaty Cereal

Most creative: Deez Designs Inc.

Best cinematography: Cocoa bears

Best comedy: Deez designs

Much of the success of the event is due to the following members of the Arts Committee, staff and support staff for their help in preparing the hall, the students, setting up and managing the event: Mrs Chris Cheyne, Mr Des Hudson, Mr Saul Moore, Mr Andrew Sparrow, Dana Wister, Anise Maclean, Samantha Mills, Isabelle Lindsey, Eri Lovegrove and Uma Reid. We greatly appreciate your contributions, and could not have done it without you!

Melissa Van der Haegen and Grace Johnston

2022 Arts Prefects