Hero photograph
Linda and Dylan writing out their code
Photo by Mrs Pollard

Robots in Digital Technology

Mrs J Pollard —

This term, Years 0-4 classes have been learning more about the world of robots.

The Years 0-2 classes have been exploring Beebots and have used their creativity to create and navigate through different mazes. They have worked in pairs to code and control their robots. This week, we have been making our Beebots become artists. Students explored different code to create some amazing abstract art.

The Years 3 and 4 students have been researching different types of robots to better understand robots in our real world.  

Last week, we looked at Bluebots and explored different mazes. Students were to plan their pathway with their buddy using a whiteboard to identify any 'bugs' in their code. We found it much easier making a plan in case there were mistakes rather than relying on our memory.