Mrs S Renner and Mr A Moore — Mar 31, 2021

Why do Germans hang Easter eggs in the trees? And why do they have big bonfires on Easter Sunday in their villages?

This week, students in Years 7 – 10 enjoyed learning about German Easter traditions and special food and were then able to answer these and other questions in the German Easter Quiz.

Easter is a very important time in Germany. The culmination of the Lenten period that begins much earlier in the year, on Ash Wednesday (Karneval, February 10 this year), Easter is a joyous holiday with candy, culinary delights, and animal folklore. And while each country has its own unique customs, Germany’s Easter traditions deserve particular recognition. It was, after all, in western Germany that the Easter Bunny, or rather Osterhase, was born.

Candy and joy was our focus this week with different activities around Easter. Dying and painting real eggs, showing best motor skills at the Easter egg run and, finally, enjoying lots of chocolate eggs and rabbit cookies. The lucky winners of the Easter Quiz will be announced on Thursday afternoon and they can take home a bucket with Süssigkeiten (candies) and an Osterhasen (Easter bunny).

FROHE OSTERN from all the German students, Herr Moore und Frau Renner.