Hero photograph
Rin, Koh, Yukiha and Himari with some of the hand-knitted blankets made by the Columba community
Photo by Dr J Macleod

Blankets for Presbyterian Support

Dr J Macleod —

Rin, Koh, Yukiha and Himari learnt to knit during lockdown. They were four of the 19 students who stayed in the Boarding House through Levels 4 and 3, and used some of their time to contribute to our ongoing project with Presbyterian Support.

A number of students, staff and family members have knitted peggy squares over the last few months. More than 100 of these have now been sewn into blankets for clients of Presbyterian Support. 

Whilst knitting and sewing are still going on, we want to give these five completed blankets to Presbyterian Support so clients can receive them during this very cold part of the year.