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High School Musical

High School Musical

Mrs S Bishop —

Columba College will be presenting High School Musical in the week of August 18.

Preparations began in Term 1 last year to present this show, and while some of those arrangements will stand, others will change. Many of the students who gained roles last year have now left school so more auditions will take place soon.

When deciding whether to audition, students need to understand that they will need to be available for all practices – the whole practice if necessary. It is very important to have everyone there when required.

The Director is very organised, and students will know exactly when they are required but commitment is essential.

No date has been set for auditions yet but watch this space. We also need to find boys from Year 9 to 13 who may be interested in auditioning. Please let Mrs Bishop know if you are interested and if you know any interested boys. Do remember that this is a real commitment.

We look forward to having an event that everyone will enjoy whether it is by performing or attending.