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Get Your Dung Beetles Today
Video by Eri Lovegrove

Dung beetles

The Serious Scientists —

The Serious Scientists hope you enjoy watching their short stop-motion animation above, which talks more about this topic.

Eri Lovegrove, Nora Paicu, Krisha Joshi, Maggie Huang, Rosie Davison, Melissa Van der Haegen and Sahara Knopp all took part in creating, filming and animating a short film on the topic of dung beetles and sustainability for ‘The Outlook For Someday’ film competition. 

These students are part of the GATE Science group, and took on the challenge as a team. The team of Serious Scientists are passionate about conserving New Zealand’s waterways and were excited when they found out about all of the benefits that dung beetles could have on the environment.