Hero photograph
Photo by Chris Cheyne

News just in …..

Mrs C Cheyne —

We have just heard that Ellen Riley, a relatively new member of Year 7, was awarded the Extra! Magazine Years 7&8 Poetry Award for 2020.

Ellen wrote her poem while at Alexandra Primary School before she came to Columba in September but the results have just been released recently. This is such a wonderful achievement, and we congratulate her warmly.

The Hare

Standing up tall to address his audience,

the hare goes on two feet

as the talking goes silent,

and the whispering stops,

this well-groomed animal,

greets his fellow friends,

he talks all evening,

all through the night.

The birds leave early to go to roost,

the hedgehogs are late, as usual.

The hare tells great stories of times long ago,

and when the spot of yellow comes,

all his audience say goodbye

and when the birds wake up

and the master comes outside

nothing is to be seen,

it's like they were never there...

- Ellen Riley Year 7