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French: Level 1

Administration —

Course Overview

By engaging with this subject, students develop the ability to communicate in French and connect meaningfully with people in different communities around the world.

By engaging in French, students gain skills and knowledge that can lead to, and support, a wide range of pathways. The ability to communicate in more than one language helps students stand out. Students with the knowledge of an additional language demonstrate that they are committed to their learning and are interested in the world beyond their own. This is a considerable advantage and enhances employability in any career.

Big Ideas

  • Learning languages is about connecting to, and communicating within and across cultures and communities

  • Languages express meaning through unique forms of communication

  • Language, culture, and identity are inextricably linked

  • Learning languages encourages diverse ways of thinking, doing, and being

  • Language learning is an empowering process that involves risk-taking and fosters resilience and perseverance

Topics Covered

Mon monde : My world

  • Un moment partagé - a shared moment

  • Mes habitudes et routines - my habits and routines

Une sortie : An outing

  • Ça cartonne ! - That slays!

  • Notre sortie - Our outing!

  • À mon avis… - In my opinion…

Ca bouge : What’s up!

  • Les fêtes - Celebrations

  • Moi dans le monde - Me in the world

  • Le bien-être - Well being

Key Assessment information

Year 11 French offers 20 credits towards the attainment of NCEA Level One. Course content is assessed both internally and externally throughout the year.

External Assessment (EXAM)

French: Level 1