Administration — Jun 12, 2020

Roadside Courtesy

Could we please remind parents and caregivers who drop students off on Oban Street to be respectful of the students operating the crossing and the students and staff who are supervising.

The yellow lines by the crossing and the staff car park by the Sports Centre are not drop off zones.

We have had a number of instances where polite reminders about this have been ignored and/or dismissed and on at least two occasions staff and students have been subjected to verbal abuse.

Social Media

Since our return from lockdown we have had a number of instances where students have been using social media inappropriately or making poor choices when on it. 

I have taken the opportunity to speak to all students in Years 7-13 and remind them about being good digital citizens and staying safe when online. Unfortunately, actions and choices may have unforeseen and unintended consequences. 

In our newsletter today we have a link to the Netsafe campaign 'Keep It Real On Line' which I encourage you to explore.