Hero photograph
Y7 students just before the bakehouse opened
Photo by Ms. C Gardiner

Chuchu Bakehouse visit

Ms C Gardiner —

This term we welcomed Chuchu Bakehouse to sell patisseries to Year 7 - 8 students learning French.

In preparation for the big day we wrote our orders in French so Mme. Gardiner could pre-order for us. To practise speaking, we learnt our orders off by heart and performed them in a role play to Mme. Gardiner. We had to get it perfect before we were able to order our patisseries for real. With lots of repetition and effort we got there.

On Thursday of Week Three the big day arrived and the cute food truck was parked outside beside the Library. Year 7 and 8 students ordered their patisseries first, and then other students were welcome to order some during lunchtime. The queue was long but it was a stunning day to wait. Students loved the creative twist on the classic croissants with exciting variations such as a Nutella cruffin (a croissant-muffin) and a creme brulée croissant. The savoury croissants were a hit too. Mme. Gardiner loved the cranberry, chicken and cheese croissant. Mrs. Nicol came to check out the commotion and had a classic cinnamon escargot (swirl). Vegans had plenty of options and there was even the gluten free Brookie. If you missed out and wanted to try some of Chuchu Bakehouse's fantastic creations you can find them at St. Clair over the weekend and at the University. 

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