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Please consider supporting the PSO Foodbank
Photo by Presbyterian Support Otago

Foodbank - Online

Dr Macleod —

The Columba community has a long history of supporting the Presbyterian Support Foodbank. But how do you contribute during a rāhui (restriction) such as the current lockdown?

In hard times, those most affected are often the vulnerable, including the elderly, those in difficult financial circumstances and those on the margins of society. Presbyterian Support Otago is very grateful for our recent donations through the foodbank hamper and mufti day. They are also experiencing increased demand from the impact of Covid-19.

The Presbyterian Support website has a function for making financial donations online. This has a number of advantages:

  • It greatly reduces the number of times food items are handled (e.g. for collection, storage and distribution)
  • It allows support workers to consider the specific needs of clients, such as food allergies
  • It allows support workers to purchase fresh produce as well as non-perishable items
  • Donations over $5 receive a tax receipt.

To make a donation to the Presbyterian Support Otago Foodbank, click on the link below:


Scroll down and enter your details (for the receipt), select an amount, select ‘Foodbank’ from the drop-down menu, then proceed to pay via credit/debit card.

I recognise that most, if not all of us will experience some financial impact over the coming months. However, if you are in a position to do so, I encourage you to consider combatting this virus with generosity.