Hero photograph
Become Careers Programme
Photo by Ms K Evans

Become Careers Program with Year 10

Ms K Evans —

We started an exciting new careers program this week with Year 10 in Constance Hall. This term we are looking at life experiences, strengths and values before we think about the future.

Meanwhile, I am collecting jobs and careers that you as parents and caregivers have experience in. If you are willing to talk with an interested student for 10 minutes in Term 4 either by email or Zoom, it would be wonderful if you could fill out this Google form.

It was exciting to be with Year 10 on Thursday morning to present some lessons around the theme of self-awareness to start off our careers program. We were lucky to have some great senior students to lead them like professionals. We had Dana Wister and Shela Luckhurst working the crowd on the subject of flight to the future and the movies to take you there. This was followed by Jasper Davis, Ash Mills and Zoe MacElrea presenting on poetry of life experiences for one session and mind maps about values, strengths and inner thoughts for the last session. 

Given that it is National Poetry week, it was fantastic to hear students prepared to stand up and deliver their poems, after Jasper and Ash set the tone by reading out a poem each about their own lives. After examining Grayson Perry's Map of Days, the students came up with some very creative personal mind maps, a selection of which are included here. 

I am looking forward to continuing this program once again later this term as we move to look at aspirations and agency.