Miss P Ozanne — May 25, 2022

Phoebe Ozanne

I almost never check my phone. So, I thought nothing of the missed call that I received, from an unknown number, during the holidays. Later on that evening, when I heard that prefect roles had been given out, I was a little disappointed, but proud of everyone who had received one. It wasn’t until the next day that I finally made the connection, and called Mrs Harris back. Since then, I’ve made a point of returning phone calls, even if I don’t know who they’re from!

When I discovered that I’d been given the role of House Prefect, I was a little skeptical. I’ve never been overly loud and, while I’ve always tried my best in house competitions, I never put myself forward or took the lead. However, I soon made the decision that this year would be different and that Girton, usually near the bottom of the pile in every competition, would come out triumphant! With that mindset at the forefront, I started the year raring to go.

The first challenge I faced were the house meetings. With no practice and no script I had to speak to so many people - it was intimidating to say the least! Nonetheless, it all went smoothly and, after spending all of my printing money on what seemed like hundreds of chant sheets, we were all set to go for my first event, Athletics Day.

Surrounded by the bright colours of my house, with everyone dressed up and either participating or supporting, it made me realise that this wasn't just about competition. It was a way to come together as a house group and learn to work together, while having loads of fun!

Despite a few hiccups over the year, like forgetting the lollies at swimming sports, spilling water all over my athletics day costume, and the mysterious absence of Girton's Y13s from the swimming sports (thank you Y12s for stepping up and saving me in the jump jam competition!) I have had an amazing year as the Girton Prefect, and have learned so much, and gained so much confidence.

Even though our house didn’t end up winning.

Or even coming second.

In any of the events.

I can say that at least we had fun and did our best, which is the most important thing of all.