Administration — Aug 26, 2024

Qualification - NCEA level 3

Course Outline

This course offers the opportunity to experience and participate in a wide range of physical activities, in a variety of contexts. Knowledge from Level 2 Physical Education will be built on and applied to a variety of situations. A high level of critical inquiry is required for most achievement standards and evaluations relating to socio-cultural aspects are required for most standards.

Topics covered include:

Some of the practical classes may include duathlon, cross-country, skiing and badminton. Alongside this students will be participating in regular physical activity during class time as well as classroom-based activities. Contributions towards the cost involved with some of the activities may be billed to the students' accounts.


16 credits in Physical Education Level 2 or 16 credits in Level 2 English and Science. Entry may also be granted with approval from the HoD of PE.


A student who wishes to sit Scholarship in Physical Education should consult with the class teacher, then be prepared to meet with following criteria.

Critically evaluate aspects of the following:

It is expected that students will have a broad knowledge of all topics covered in Level 3 Physical Education.

Scholarship will involve a separate examination that will be externally assessed.

Physical Education Level 3