Mrs Togneri — Mar 21, 2018

The Columba College English Department runs a Creative Writing Group as an extension activity.

This meets with Mr Corbishley in G4 during Wednesday lunchtimes. Over the next few weeks an interesting range of guest presenters will be joining the group. These presenters are all postgraduate research students in the University of Otago’s English and Linguistics Department. The schedule of guests, together with their areas of research, is:

4 April: Monique Hodgkinson (young adult novelist Brigid Lowry and “Juicy Writing”)

11 April: Emer Lyons (queer poetry and contemporary performance poetry)

2 May: Robyn Maree Pickens (ecological poetry)

9 May: James Tregonning (“world building” in fantasy literature)

Students interested in being part of the Creative Writing Group should speak to their English teacher.