Mrs Cheyne — Dec 9, 2019

Term 1

· Y8 Camp to Deep Cove

· Kids Lit Quiz: Winners of Otago, fourth in NZ quiz

· Social at John McGlashan College

Term 2

· Y7 Social Studies visit to Toitū Museum

· Book Week, including Mrs Walker’s famous Book Quiz

· EXTRA! Spelling Quiz – many Columba teams competed and a Y8 team won the Otago competition

· Y7 and 8 Speech competition - winners were Eleanor Wong (Y7) and Kayla Smith (Y8)

· Social with John McGlashan at Columba

Term 3

· Balmacewen Sports Exchange – netball, hockey, miniball

· Y7 lunch at Zaika Indian Restaurant to complete their study of India

· Classics Quiz – Columba 1st place

· Tournament of Minds in Christchurch for two teams

· Y8 Egyptian display in the library to complete their Social Studies topic

· Y8 Marine Science study for three students

· Sir Peter Blake Award for Leadership presented to Zara Pratley

· Y7 Camp to Camp Columba – rain, snow and hail for this outdoor camp!

Term 4

· Y8 visit to the Genetics Department at Otago University

Mrs C. Cheyne

Year 7 Dean