Dr J Macleod — Apr 4, 2022

You may not have thought about it but, when you drive a car and turn a corner, the inside wheel travels a much shorter distance than the outside wheel.

In our reading (John 10:11-15), we heard about two types of leaders. The ‘hired help’ is like the inside wheel: always taking the shortcut, investing the minimum, and expecting others to run around them. This type of leader wants the position, but is not there when things get tough.

The other type of leader, the ‘shepherd,’ genuinely cares for people. This leader is like the outside wheel, investing the extra effort to make things easier for others. This may include being organised and well prepared, which allows events to run more smoothly; investing in good manners and meeting face-to-face, which builds relationships; and communicating well, which allows others to be prepared.

The shepherd-leader cares more about the people than the position. Jesus described himself as the Good Shepherd. He was willing to lay down his life to bring forgiveness and life to others. He was willing to go to great lengths because he cares for us.