Administration — Feb 15, 2023

Thursday, 23rd February.

On Thursday, 23rd February, we will be holding a kākahu kāinga (non-uniform) day to raise funds for this year's nominated charity 'So They Can'. Each student is asked to bring a gold coin donation at form time.

'So They Can' is a not-for-profit organisation committed to empowering children living in poverty through education...because every child matters. Their mission:

263 million children are not in school worldwide. Education is the key to breaking the poverty cycle.

Our mission is to work with local communities and governments to provide quality education to children living in poverty in communities in Africa.4

We will achieve this through improved learning conditions, teacher training and development, child well-being, women’s empowerment and community engagement and health.

Click here to learn more about them:

Thank you in advance for your support.