Hero photograph
The Young Enterprise group
Photo by Mrs S Bishop

Young Enterprise in the Community

Mrs S Bishop —

There have been many visits and visitors to the Commerce Department over the past two weeks.

On Monday last week, the Young Enterprise went to a Kick start (Timata) session to gain more insight into how the year should go for them. Many business mentors came to the session to talk about a variety of activities. Rachel Bird, the Columba team mentor, also joined the team with the discussions.

Later in the week, the team met with Sarah Ottrey, one of the laureates in the Columba Business Hall of Fame, to receive more advice about developing a product. This week, Greg Wisnesky came to give the team some scientific advice. The team is still in the concept development stage for a product, but it has some ideas.

Thank you to all of these people who have helped us; we are really grateful.