Hero photograph
Photo by Jessica Lach

Enviroclub Inspires Waste Reduction

Ms J Lach —

Enviroclub leaders give lollies at lunchtime to help educate others on the importance of waste minimisation.

Enviroclub’s senior leaders were out on the prowl at lunchtime last week awarding individuals who showed that they were either using reusable lunch containers or were properly recycling their lunch items. The hype soon caught on and people were eager to show off their minimal waste lunches in exchange for a lolly.

Enviroclub has made it their mission this year to monitor how students manage their waste and are developing ideas to encourage proper waste management. Some ideas to cut down on rubbish in your lunch include:

  • Cleaning and reusing plastic bags
  • Using beeswax wraps
  • Using reusable plastic storage containers
  • Avoid buying individually wrapped items and buy bulk bags instead
  • Buy only items that can be recycled later

If you have recyclable objects in your lunch box, make sure you properly clean them and place them either in our outside recycling bin or inside yellow recycling bins. Only plastic with the numbers 1, 2 and 5 printed on it are recyclable in Dunedin. Caps need to be removed from bottles as well. All other plastic (including soft plastic) must go in the rubbish bins.