Hero photograph
Nini (Back row, 4th from left)
Photo by Gretchen Beardmore

Columba Student attends Ice Hockey Tournament in Australia

Mrs G Beardmore —

One of our Year 7 Columba College Students represented the Alexandra Flames Ice Hockey Team, participating in a One Hockey Tournament in Australia. A fantastic experience for a young group of talented ice hockey players!

What an incredible week for Year 7 Columba student, Nini! Along with her brother, Dino (Year 8 student, John McGlashan College), Nini joined the Alexandra Flames ice hockey team in Melbourne for the 'One Hockey' U14 Ice Hockey Tournament last week. The Alexandra Flames team was the only New Zealand team in the tournament, so it was a privilege for this group of ice hockey players to be representing the South and participating in such a vibrant event. 

The Flames played nine games over six days, and Nini's skills and confidence grew with each game played. She scored four goals in total, which was a fantastic effort across the tournament. The Flames team achieved an overall placing of sixth out of the total number of competing teams from across Australia and New Zealand. This was an incredible result considering the standard of competition. We are super proud of Nini, Dino, and their teammates for performing so well at such a special tournament.

The week away in Australia proved to be a wonderful overall experience for this team of up-and-coming ice hockey stars. The team was expecting the "Wooden Spoon" due to the calibre of teams competing in the tournament and the level of competition on display, however, they lifted themselves well above expectations and were delighted with their overall result. Well done, Nini and the Alexandra Flames! 

Nini was one of only 12 girls at the tournament (with over 100 young people participating), so we are thrilled that she continues to fly the flag for Columba College and female sports participation!  With trips to Melbourne Zoo, Melbourne Trams, and the Sky Deck, it certainly was a wonderful experience for these talented siblings!

Thank you to the families who continue to support our young people in their sporting endeavors, and who sacrifice a lot to enable them to attend tournaments such as these.